Thomas Profiling

Thomas Profiling Survices Providers

1.0 Thomas International Management Systems Background

Thomas International was started in UK in 1981, with the aim of bringing into foray the Personal Profile Analysis (PPA), a revolutionary system in Human resources development created by Prof. Tom Hendrickson of USA, based on Prof. William Marston’s theory of “Emotions of Normal people”.

Across the world more than 30,000 clients including 300 of the Fortune 500 companies are using the following Thomas instruments and systems in 51 countries.

The Human Matrix offers a range of Thomas Management tools which are administered by Yogesh Pahuja who is a certified Thomas Profiler and also a Post graduate in HR from XLRI.

2.0 How can Thomas Systems help your organization?

Thomas International Management Systems take the guesswork out of making decisions that involve people. It helps you make the right choices in the development and selection of staff. The system is highly effective in the following key areas:

  • Recruitment and development of employees.
  • Assessing the jobholder and job compatibility.(if carried out with HJA - human job analysis)
  • Identifying individual management styles.
  • Identifying achievable training needs.
  • Self-evaluation and improvement.
  • Identifying personal stress and/or job dissonance.

3.0 Thomas International – Instrument – PPA – Personal Profile Analysis

Profiling People

Personal Profile Analysis (PPA)

PPA is used to capture and ascertain a person’s behavior at work place. The person is asked to fill the PPA form. Thinking of himself at work place he chooses words that describe him most and least. The form is then analyzed by Thomas Key software and Provides different reports providing information about a person’s Behavioral make-up and working style, behavioral modifications at work place, expected behavior under pressure conditions, motivators, fears, value to the organization, strengths & limitations, extent of fit with the job etc.

The Personal Profile Analysis is a work place related behavioral inventory.
It gives an idea of the preferred style of a person, that is to say the unique behavioral characteristics that define a person. This indicates the basic behavioral orientation of a person and also gives insights into what motivates that person and the presence of stress/frustrations traced to their possible causes.

The reports describe a person on three different aspects:
  • Work Mask: Describes an individual’s behavior at work place and modifications he is making as compared to his self-image.
  • Pressure Profile: Describes how an individual is expected to behave under pressure Situations.
  • Self Image: Describes an individual’s inherent or core behavior.

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